Trans & Non-Binary Therapeutic Support Group

“Without community, there is no liberation.”  

Audre Lorde


What would the shape of the collective be?

Depending on uptake and interest, and attendees schedules I hope for this to be:

  • Likely to be Fortnightly regular days (likely to be a Friday)

  • 1 hour

  • 6 week blocks (potentially a summer gap of 1 extra week after 3rd session)

  • Regular attendees for a block (there is a hope you may be able to commit to a block and see it through)

6 sessions, fortnightly, starting June 2024 (exact days TBC likely to be a Friday). Facilitated by myself (Clinical Psychologist). Please feel free to invite clients and past clients, If they are interested, they can please get in touch by Friday 5th of May by emailing me on         

Who is the collective for?

The group is for adults who identify as queer, trans or non-binary, intersex, gender expansive or exploring their gender or queerness in some shape. The group is open to all diverse rainbow identities. The group is inclusive of those who do not identify has having a gender, or whom may be questioning the future of their gender expression.

There will be a minimum of 3 attendees and a maximum of 8 attendees to allow for the right balance of size, along with a highly specialist facilitator with experience running groups for trans and non binary folk including online groups as based on published research (aka The Theatre of Life methodology).

What sort of themes will be discussed in the group?

At the start of each session I will generate some themes, and bring some ideas also. Some examples from the growing menu of topics I will suggest include:

  • How to sustain ourselves when things are triggering in media and society in solidarity?

  • How to respond to relationships with work, friends and family during times of change?

  • What does preventative mental health support look like and how do we gain a critical look at ourselves in social context (critical conscious raising - Paulo Freire)?

  • What makes a good ally?

  • How do we promote and demote folk in our chosen families, tribe or team?

  • Who helps us get ready in the backstage of our life?

  • How to respond to unacceptable behaviour in a way that aligns to our values?

  • Self-Care vs. Collective-Care: how do we navigate these and what shape does it take?

  • How do we recharge our head, heart and body batteries and keep ourselves connected to the things we hold in high regard?

How do I express an interest in this collective?

If you are interested, please get in touch by Friday 5th of May, 17:00 by emailing Dane on

I would ask that you let me know if you have any questions and I'd be happy to try to help.

Exact dates and times will be confirmed closer the time and I will take into account your schedules as much as possible, depending on what works for most.

If you are not personally interested, please do feel free to also invite your networks who may find this resource helpful themselves.